Tuesday, April 29, 2008

This is for the theme "hello from" for the group trade. This is a habit among Filipina women. Every siesta time(usually after lunch) they gathered at the stair steps to gossip or update each other for the village latest rumors or just airing their grievances/ problems to each other while taking out the gray hairs or lice (yiiikes!!!) from each others head. This "hard habit to break" still continues to this day even after the lice shampoo was invented. Well I guess, it takes away the fun and live news updates!

Summer flower in watercolor.

My friend Giggle flew to New York to work there last year. She was my partner in crime and we make it a point to see each other every Friday ( T.G.I.F. night) and we stroll around the Makati area shopping or just looking around. We ate in every restaurant and try different chicken dish since chicken is her favorite. She miss me so much and our time together, the laughter and tears we shared and of course the chicken! I drew this for her and when she received this, she called immediately crying her heart out! I told her not to come back yet because I am enjoying my break from eating chicken! Can't wait to see her back for a break though!!!


I drew this sketch trying to capture the beauty of my sister in a retrospecting mood. She is a jolly woman though!!! Love her so much!!!

First Black and Whites

Titled "Mallorca Windmills", I saw this one when I was watching Places to Visit Before you Die. Weird title for a tv travel guide show but its worth watching !!!

Entry for the weekly theme "Glamorous"

Inspired from the Television series "Desperate Housewives". Prepping up to be Glam!